"I can do anything" [Part II] by SGB
Save the date because on April 21st Nina will have a new apearrence!
"If you loved Part 1 you are going to adore Part 2! NEW LOCATION: The Think Pink Living Centre Ground Floor, 390 St Kilda Road, Melbourne. Look for the PINK BALLOONS Easy Parking in adjacent streets.
Time: 18:30-21:30 This time there will be a showcase of Secret Girls Business to the lovely ladies at the Living Centre as well as meeting with Irene Hendel who is the founder of the THINK PINK Foundation. Lets gather as many girls as we want to be a support and encouragement in real time. A very yummy Supper will be served as well as of course Pink Bubbles served on arrival too! Our very esteemed guest speaker Carol Cook the 2012 Gold Medalist Winner at the London Paralympics Games ~ Paracycling for Australia. Carol will be our guest speaker and will share her story, as an MS sufferer, how she found her strength, her ability to overcome the to win the Gold for Australia. Gather the girls and lets honour this outstanding woman and Olympian, she will show you that anything CAN be possible if you dare to dream. Carol believes that “nothing is impossible if we dare to face our fears and believe in ourselves” and believes “the greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” PLUS Red Hot Chilli Connections ~ match your business with another business to create business. Bring your business cards and promotional flyers to showcase YOU, what you do and what makes your business super dooper HOT and why we should take notice! Great prizes and giveaways from our event sponsors ~ Book your tickets online www.secretgirlsbusiness.net
And join our facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1064268463588347/ SPECIAL TICKET OFFER Buy 2 Tickets $98.00 get 1 FREE Ticket~ inc a la carte meal, drink & dessert. Individual tickets $49.00pp. Bookings essential www.secretgirlsbusiness.net or call PH:9331 2130. STRICTLY NO BOYZ ALLOWED!!!"
- Josie Kearsey